Wednesday, February 23, 2011

5 Questions with... Roberto Sarjoo [repost]

This was an article last year, but just thought I would give it new life on my blog. It was done by Karim Kanji for A year later and many of the things mentioned in this article are still true.


Just like a jolt of caffeine, your Wednesday morning would not be complete without this week's edition of 5 Questions.

Roberto Sarjoo is a marketer at heart and has been working at Putting Edge for over 2 years in the marketing manager position. He is in his second stint with the company, as he worked on the front-lines for the company for 5 years while in high school and college. Roberto claims to be funny (just ask him), a tech geek, and music junkie. He loves being being social, whether in person or online and of course, is a huge Toronto Raptors Fan.

What motivates you to do what you do on a daily basis?

Just for the love of what I do. From the creative aspect, down to the nitty gritty, its what wakes me up in the morning. I love knowing that work that I do impacts hundreds of thousands of people. They see it, they enjoy it!

Do you have any success start-up tips for people wanting to create a name for themselves in your industry?

I believe its all about keep doing what you love, believing in yourself and acting on your thoughts and ideas. No one ever got anywhere without exercising some form of action. Connect with others in the same field and learn from them, whether they are more experienced, or younger, you can always learn something from someone,use your network! And this is something I will always remember; a Canadian millionaire/entrepreneur when asked how he got to where he was today, responded with "I hired people smarter than me". I think its important to use your network and leverage the knowledge of those who are experts in their respective fields to help you accomplish your goals.

In your opinion why is Toronto a great place for cool tech start-ups?

I think it has to do with the people. I have never seen another city that has young people that are willing to help each other out as much as Toronto. We have such a great community of young people here in the city that are willing to work together for the benefit of the end-user. In addition to that, the technology and infrastructure to get projects done is here, we are like an open source city, pretty much anything that you would need done, can be done here.

What's your favourite tech toy and social media site and why?

My favourite tech toy has to be my iPhone. No matter where I go, what I do, i'm always connected and that's important to me. In addition, I feel like there's no limit to what I can do with it. Social Media site has to be Twitter, being able to connect with others on a daily basis is great, and since I've been on Twitter, I can easily say that my network has grown 10 fold from what it used to be and it feels great to be able to connect with so many amazing people.

Who would you say is one of Toronto's up and coming stars in your space and why?

Satish Kanwar (@skanwar as some of you might know). First of all, I really don't think he sleeps. When it comes to Toronto events involving social media or twitter (ex. TwestivalTO) hes almost behind the scenes on everything. His digital experience agency JetCooper is really blowing up, and they have harnessed all the young talent in Toronto. The bigger digital agencies better keep an eye out, these guys are growing fast.

Check out for more "5 Questions With..." and follow their blog for technology news, events calendar, job board, and more.

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